Non-registered users of the e-freight-transport portal can submit an application to receive a password and user name to log into the information system.

Electronic business operation services:

  • e-ordering of wagons,
  • information on status and location of a wagon or shipment,
  • archive data about the shipment,
  • paper specification (electronic format),
  • e-specification.

Please provide the following information in your application:

  • name of the company,
  • company code (at SŽ),
  • address (street and number),
  • location and postal code,
  • VAT identification number,
  • name and surname of the contact person,
  • email address of the contact person,
  • telephone number of the contact person,
  • preferred electronic business operation services.

If you want to use the e-specification service, please also send your public key (PGP) by email.

To receive a password and user name, please send an application to the email address below. By submitting your application, you also agree to the General terms and conditions for data access.

We will send you a user name and password for access to ISSŽP by mail, and we will send the SŽ public key to the email address of the contact person.